Biomechanics, Orthotics & Gait Analysis
Orthotics & Gait Analysis in Liverpool
We provide a specialist orthotics service specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of lower limb dysfunction and pain.
We utilise the most effective, cutting edge techniques to identify the true cause of your problem and develop personalised strategies to restore optimal function, speed up recovery and improve performance.

We have a wide range of orthotics available including: the worlds first high-tech 3D printed insoles, designed based on your personal dynamic gait analysis. Optimal efficiency, superior stability, extreme durability
Foot Lab
Biomechanics & Foot Posture Assessment. A comprehensive analysis of your foot and lower limb to address soft tissue and joint biomechanics to decrease pain, restore optimal function and improve performance.
Gait Analysis
State of the art analysis of your biomechanics to identify the underlying cause of your problem.
Biomechanics & Gait Analysis Process
Movement and Mobility Screen:
- Foot Posture Alignment
- Static Postural Control
- Joint Range of Motion
- Muscular Balance
- Lower Limb Biomechanics
- Dynamic Movement Patterns

Foot Scan:
The Foot Scan will analyse your gait using the innovative pressure plate footscan® system. Using this data, the footscan® technology will generate a 3D design which can be adapted to your specific needs, using the advice of your expert. The information from the 3D analysis, combined with your clinical assessment provides a comprehensive and complete analysis of your walking and running mechanics. A 3D printer will then transform the design into ultralight insoles. Which will be finished with a shock-absorbing comfort layer.